Rapport (Rapport De Recherche) Année : 1975

The analysis of 6-component measurements of a random electromagnetic wave field in a magnetoplasma. I : The direct problem


This is the first of a series of papers, the general subject of which is how to interpret a set of simultaneous measu- rements of the three electric and three magnetic components of a random electromagnetic wave field in a magnetoplasma. The point at which the measurements are made is assumed to be stationary with respect to the plasma. In this first paper, the following problems are treated : how to define, within the framework of classical electrodynamics, a distribution function that characterizes the statistics of a linear random electromagnetic wave field in a lossless magnetoplasma the direct problem of predicting the statistical properties of measurements of the six components of a field of this type, when the distribution function is known.
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hal-02191369 , version 1 (23-07-2019)


  • HAL Id : hal-02191369 , version 1


L.R.O. Storey, François Lefeuvre. The analysis of 6-component measurements of a random electromagnetic wave field in a magnetoplasma. I : The direct problem. [Research Report] Note technique CRPE n° 12, Centre de recherches en physique de l'environnement terrestre et planétaire (CRPE). 1975, 36 p. ⟨hal-02191369⟩
44 Consultations
120 Téléchargements

