index - Laboratoire de Droit International et Européen


The LADIE, created in 2016 by the merger of two laboratories specializing in international law and European law, conducts research from a multidisciplinary and international perspective. The LADIE has built its expertise and reputation on the convergence of research in international and European law on issues of human security and development (in particular international security law, international humanitarian law, migrants' and refugees' rights, extended to cross-cutting issues relating to new risks and threats linked to the mutation of players and technologies, climate change and the increasing scarcity of resources). The LADIE also develops analyses of the movement of people and economic operations, both in terms of substantive and institutional law, and of the workings of international and European institutions, as well as their interdependent relationships in the face of circulatory phenomena. The law of the sea is also a long-standing focus of our work, which has now been extended to include research into the law of space.

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Mots clés

Afrique Acquisition Méditerranée Russia Accountabilility Commerce international Lutte contre le terrorisme Droit international humanitaire ONG Politique Concurrence Acquisition et perte Droit de la mer Droit de l'Union européenne Etranger Sécurité collective Science diplomacy État de droit Autonomie stratégique Droit international de l'environnement Justice pénale internationale Arms Albanie Droits de l'homme Frontières France Cour pénale internationale République démocratique du Congo Action humanitaire Armed conflicts European law Frontex Arménie Conflit armé Crimes internationaux AFEE International armed conflicts International community Viol European Union International crimes Droit international Terrorisme Human rights Arms control Law of the sea Droit international humanitaire coutumier Organisations internationales Développement Légitime défense Entrée et séjour des étrangers Migrants Perte de la nationalité Ukraine Acte de terrorisme Soft law International criminal justice Généralités Armes Strait Biélorussie International law COMMERCE ET INDUSTRIE Customary international humanitarian law Aménagement du territoire Artificial intelligence robotics Union européenne Recours à la force Russie Artificial Intelligence Piraterie Accord général sur le commerce des services Responsabilité Juridictions internationales Acquisition de la nationalité française Libye Etat des personnes Accountability Nationalité Union européenne - Relations extérieures International humanitarian law Frontières extérieures Relations extérieures Droit international pénal Déchéance Paix et sécurité internationales Affaire Yukos Conflits armés African organizations DROITS FONDAMENTAUX ET PRINCIPES GENERAUX ASEAN Way Droit du désarmement Compétence Migration NATIONALITE International economic law Climat Migrations Confiance Universities