Solène Lambert, Sandrine Voros, Geoffroy Canlorbe, Jocelyne Troccaz, Ignacio Avellino. Understanding Takeovers and Telestration in Laparoscopic Surgery to Inform Telementoring System Design. CHI '24: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2024, Honolulu (HI), United States. pp.1-17, ⟨10.1145/3613904.3641978⟩. ⟨hal-04593396⟩
Behnoosh Mohammadzadeh, Jules Françoise, Michèle Gouiffès, Baptiste Caramiaux. TeachTOK : Système d’Apprentissage Automatique Interactif et Collaboratif pour d’un Classifieur d’Images. IHM'24 - 35e Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Interaction Humain-Machine, AFIHM; Sorbonne Université, Mar 2024, Paris, France. ⟨hal-04500011⟩
Flavien Lebrun, Sinan Haliyo, Malika Auvray, David Gueorguiev, Gilles Bailly. Study of the Impact of Visual and Haptic Sensory Sensitivities on the Detection of Visuo-Haptic Illusions in Virtual Reality. 35th International Francophone Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (IHM 2024), AFIHM, Mar 2024, Paris, France. pp.1--15, ⟨10.1145/3649792.3649803⟩. ⟨hal-04451467⟩
Aymeric Ferron, Martin Hachet, Yvonne Jansen. Visualizing the Environmental Impact of Dietary Choices: Exploring an Interactive Mini-World as a Proxy to Communicate Three Planetary Boundaries. 35th Conference on l'Interaction Humain-Machine (IHM '24), Mar 2024, Paris, France. ⟨10.1145/3649792.3649804⟩. ⟨hal-04484088⟩
Behnoosh Mohammadzadeh, Jules Françoise, Michèle Gouiffès, Baptiste Caramiaux. Studying Collaborative Interactive Machine Teaching in Image Classification. IUI '24: 29th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Mar 2024, Greenville SC USA, United States. pp.195-208, ⟨10.1145/3640543.3645204⟩. ⟨hal-04535375⟩
Jules Françoise, Baptiste Caramiaux, Téo Sanchez. Marcelle. 2024, ⟨swh:1:dir:eaa29c4f411c944af49ae25925682a1d72a46a09;origin=https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-04387239;visit=swh:1:snp:a75791f5f9803ea19810c2031d0a0bb7c6855571;anchor=swh:1:rel:ca1180054d9caf8b664bedaea8866e187377f88d;path=/⟩. ⟨hal-04387239⟩
Baptiste Caramiaux. AI with Museums and Cultural Heritage. AI in Museums, Transcript Verlag; De Gruyter, pp.117-130, 2023, 978-3-8394-6710-7. ⟨10.1515/9783839467107-011⟩. ⟨hal-04399935⟩
Yvonne Jansen, Ambre Assor, Pierre Dragicevic, Aymeric Ferron, Arnaud Prouzeau, et al.. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Designing and Evaluating Data-Driven Interactive Experiences for Sustainable Decision-Making. Workshop on HCI for Climate Change at CHI 2023, Apr 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.7961762⟩. ⟨hal-04103414⟩
Sophie Maria, Helena Mentis, Geoffroy Canlorbe, Ignacio Avellino. Supporting Collaborative Discussions In Surgical Teleconsulting Through Augmented Reality Head Mounted Displays. Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23), ACM, Apr 2023, Hambourg, Germany. ⟨10.1145/3544548.3580714⟩. ⟨hal-04017042⟩
Eléonore Ferrier-Barbut, Ignacio Avellino, Marie-Aude Vitrani, Geoffroy Canlorbe. Head Mounted Displays in Surgical Training and Planning: A Literature Review. 34e conférence internationale francophone sur l’Interaction Humain-Machine (IHM'23), AFHIM, Apr 2023, Troyes et Bar sur Aube, France. ⟨10.1145/3583961.3583973⟩. ⟨hal-04019531⟩
Eléonore Ferrier-Barbut, Ignacio Avellino, Geoffroy Canlorbe, Marie-Aude Vitrani, Vanda Luengo. Learning With Pedagogical Models: Videos As Adjuncts to Apprenticeship for Surgical Training. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction , 2023, 7 (CSCW1), pp.139:1-139:40. ⟨10.1145/3579615⟩. ⟨hal-04017134⟩
Yvonne Jansen, Federica Bucchieri, Pierre Dragicevic, Martin Hachet, Morgane Koval, et al.. Envisioning Situated Visualizations of Environmental Footprints in an Urban Environment. VIS4Good - Visualization for Social Good workshop held as part of IEEE VIS 2022, Oct 2022, Oklahoma City, United States. ⟨10.5281/zenodo.7053934⟩. ⟨hal-03770857⟩
Benoît Geslain, Simon Besga, Flavien Lebrun, Gilles Bailly. Généralisation de la Fonction de Redirection de la Main en Réalité Virtuelle. Actes de la 33e conférence internationale francophone sur l’Interaction Humain-Machine (IHM'22), AFIHM, Apr 2022, Namur, Belgique. ⟨10.1145/3500866.3516381⟩. ⟨hal-03847553⟩
Sophie Maria, Solène Lambert, Ignacio Avellino. From Déjà vu to Déjà vécu: Reliving Surgery in Post-Operative Debriefing. 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), Mar 2022, Christchurch, New Zealand. pp.462-465, ⟨10.1109/VRW55335.2022.00102⟩. ⟨hal-03711158⟩
Wesley Willett, Bon Adriel Aseniero, Sheelagh Carpendale, Pierre Dragicevic, Yvonne Jansen, et al.. Perception! Immersion! Empowerment! Superpowers as Inspiration for Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2022, 28 (1), pp.22-32. ⟨10.1109/TVCG.2021.3114844⟩. ⟨hal-03342677⟩
Téo Sanchez, Baptiste Caramiaux, Jules Françoise, Frédéric Bevilacqua, Wendy Mackay. How do People Train a Machine? Strategies and (Mis)Understandings. CSCW 2021 - The 24th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, Oct 2021, Virtual, United States. ⟨10.1145/3449236⟩. ⟨hal-03182950⟩
Oleksandra Vereschak, Gilles Bailly, Baptiste Caramiaux. How to Evaluate Trust in AI-Assisted Decision Making? A Survey of Empirical Methodologies. The 24th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), Oct 2021, Online, United States. ⟨10.1145/3476068⟩. ⟨hal-03280969v2⟩
Elizabeth Walton, Baptiste Caramiaux, Sarah Fdili Alaoui, Frédéric Bevilacqua, Wendy E. Mackay. Reconciling Technology-Driven and Experiential Approaches for Movement-Based Design. IHM'20.21 - 32e Conférence Francophone pour l’Interaction Homme-Machine, Apr 2021, Virtual Event, France. ⟨10.1145/3450522.3451334⟩. ⟨hal-03362342⟩
Evanthia Dimara, Steven Franconeri, Catherine Plaisant, Anastasia Bezerianos, Pierre Dragicevic. A Task-based Taxonomy of Cognitive Biases for Information Visualization. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020, 26 (2), pp.1413 - 1432. ⟨10.1109/TVCG.2018.2872577⟩. ⟨hal-01868738v2⟩
Marc Teyssier, Gilles Bailly, Catherine Pelachaud, Eric Lecolinet, Andrew R. Conn, et al.. Skin-On Interfaces: A Bio-Driven Approach for Artificial Skin Design to Cover Interactive Devices. the 32nd Annual ACM Symposium, Oct 2019, New Orleans, France. pp.307-322, ⟨10.1145/3332165.3347943⟩. ⟨hal-02340056⟩
Khanh-Duy Le, Ignacio Avellino, Cédric Fleury, Morten Fjeld, Andreas Kunz. GazeLens: Guiding Attention to Improve Gaze Interpretation in Hub-Satellite Collaboration. INTERACT 2019 - 17th IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Sep 2019, Paphos, Cyprus. pp.282-303, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-29384-0_18⟩. ⟨hal-02183386⟩
Jean-Philippe Rivière, Sarah Fdili Alaoui, Baptiste Caramiaux, Wendy Mackay. Capturing Movement Decomposition to Support Learning and Teaching in Contemporary Dance. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction , 2019, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 3 (CSCW), pp.1-22. ⟨10.1145/3359188⟩. ⟨hal-02378487⟩
François Schmitt, Josue Sulub, Ignacio Avellino, Jimmy da Silva, Laurent Barbé, et al.. Using Comanipulation with Active Force Feedback to Undistort Stiffness Perception in Laparoscopy. 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2019, Montréal, Canada. ⟨10.1109/ICRA.2019.8793662⟩. ⟨hal-02343485⟩