index - ECP-DR

Research Vocation at the École Centrale Paris

Phone: +33 1 41 13 11 03
Fax: +33 1 41 13 14 37

To download: Annual report of the direction of Research

As the School’s second pillar, the Research Centre’s role is to contribute to the elaboration of innovative solutions to today’s major technological and societal challenges and to transfer them as rapidly as possible to the business world and society as a whole.
Thanks to a team of over 400 people in 6 research units and the pluri-disciplinary character of their activities in the fields of “Engineer and Systems Sciences” and “Business Sciences”, our Research Centre continues to grow, as is particularly shown by the increase in the number of its publications, their impact on the scientific community, the volume of its activity in joint projects and its success rate in winning tenders.
This constant progression is based on strong interaction with companies, the creation of joint research teams with the largest national organizations (CNRS, CEA, INRIA) and also on the Alliance with Supélec, illustrated by the research activities at the Institut Carnot Centrale-Supélec Science Systems (C3S) and on a strategy of privileged partnerships with the ENS Cachan and Paris-South University XI in the framework of the College of Engineering and Systems Sciences (CSIS).

We have also created a network of alliances based on the complementarity of skills, like our entry into the RTRA (Advanced Research Cluster) Digitéo and the “Physics Triangle” to whom we bring our expertise in mathematics, physics and complex systems.

Actively involved internationally, our Research Centre continues its global progression by intensifying its international cooperation: recruitments, exchange programmes, etc.
Many strategic axes which allow us to shine more brightly every day on the international stage.

Jean-Hubert Schmitt, Dean of Research

6 research departments
