Chair Risk and Resilience of Complex Systems



The RRSC chair is taking over a previous chair on Systems sciences and Energy Challenges (SSEC) supported by EDF for 9 years. The aim is to use the past experience and to wide the scope with no limitation to energy production systems.


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The interest is that the partners can share common concerns, contribute to the development of pooled models and exchange on use cases. Ultimately, they will benefit from the methods and tools developed by all the members of the chair. The chair is based on a team of 3 experienced permanent staff (two associate professors and one professor) and several PHD students. The chair has two main missions: to ensure a level of scientific excellence and to promote the transfer of knowledge / technology.

Useful link:

Website of the RRSC Chair

Publications of the SSEC Chair


Chair Holder : Anne BARROS
Tel: +33 (0)1 75 31 69 14

Administration: Corinne Ollivier,
Tel:+33(0)1 75 31 66 06
Laboratoire Genie Industriel
3, rue Joliot Curie
91192 Gif-sur-Yvette


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