Pour la 19ème édition de la conférence AlgoTel, nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Emmanuelle Anceaume et Julinda Stefa

qui nous parleront de leur travaux de recherche au cours des trois keynotes de la conférence.

Carla Fabiana Chiasserini

Carla Fabiana Chiasserini is an Associate Professor at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. She holds the Italian habilitation for a Full Professor position in the field of Telecommunications. Carla is also an Associate Researcher at National Research Council, a member of the Scientific Committee of the Bruno Kessler Foundation and a member of the EU Networld2020 Expert Group. She has been a Visiting Researcher at UC San Diego from 1998 to 2003, and a Visiting Professor at Monash University in 2012 and 2016. Her research interests include 5G Networks, Mobile Edge Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and Connected Vehicles. She published over 240 journal articles and referred conference papers. Her h-index is 40. Currently, she serves on the Executive Editorial Committee of the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and on the journal editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, EAI Transactions on Internet of Things and Computer Communications (Elsevier). She holds three patents. Carla is (has been) involved in may National and International research projects, either as a coordinator or a participant, including the EU H2020 5G-Crosshaul and I-REACT projects. For more information, please refer to her webpage

The 3C of 5G: Communication, Computing, Convergence

Fifth-generation cellular networks, a.k.a. 5G, are expected to be a complex but flexible system, characterized by innovative communication techniques and new computing paradigms. They will also realize the efficient convergence of various existing and emerging technologies. Such richness will translate into versatility: 5G will be able to effectively support a large range of services and applications, such as automotive systems and massive IoT applications. This talk will address the main concepts and innovations of 5G. We will first look at what 5G standards are shaping up to be. We will devote particular attention to the novel paradigm called Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), and how it can be exploited and implemented in real-world scenarios. Throughout the talk, we will also highlight the research directions that can be pursued in order to achieve the performance and scalability required by 5G.

Emmanuelle Anceaume

Emmanuelle Anceaume is permanent researcher at CNRS / IRISA in the CIDRe team. She received her Phd degree in Computer Science from the University Paris-Orsay (Paris-XI) for her work on dependable systems. She spent one year at Cornell University to work on fault-tolerant asynchronous distributed algorithms. Her main research interests focus on dependability, communication, and reputation in large-scale distributed systems. For more information, please refer to her webpage

Un système sans authorité centrale: Bitcoin

On constate beaucoup d'enthousiasme autour de la technologie “blockchain” de journal public infalsifiable. Cette technologie, qui sous-tend entre autre le système Bitcoin, soulève des problématiques au coeur des préocupations de notre communauté, consensus, élection de leader, conhérence, pair-à-pair, etc. Au cours de cet exposé, je vous présenterai les principes de base de Bitcoin et de la blockchain, puis je vous détaillerai un certain nombre de solutions, émanant de notre communauté pour faire face aux défis soulévés par cette technologie: bande passante, latence, robustesse, disponibilité, et cohérence.

Julinda Stefa

Dr. Julinda Stefa is an Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Department of Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. She received the Laurea Degree in Computer Science, summa cum laude and the PhD in Computer Science from the same University in respectively 2006 and 2010. She was an engineering intern at Google Zurich in 2005, a visiting scholar at the CS Dept. of UNC-Chapel Hill, USA, from November 2008 to April 2009, and a Research Intern at Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK, from January to April in 2011. Her research interests include computer systems and network security, mobile cloud computing, parallel and distributed systems, and analysis and modelling of social mobile wireless networks. In 2011 she won the Working Capital PNI Research Grant (30 winners out of 2138), offered by Telecom Italia. She was presented with the Sapienza’s CS Department Best PhD studentpaper award in 2009, best IEEE SECON 2013 and best IEEE INFOCOM 2013 Demo Awards.

Privacy Issues in Cellular Networks: Mind your WiFi Probes

In our thinking, technology and ICT systems are just mere tools that make our life easier. What we are totally unaware of is that, by only observing the small pieces of information, accidentally leaked from some of these very pervasive systems, we can learn a lot on the people surrounding us. This is the case, for example, of WiFi directed probe requests: These small 802.11 management frames, whose purpose is to search for WiFi networks a given device has connected to in the past, are released in the clear by our smartphones each time we have the WiFi radio interface on. At first sight, the information they contain (MAC address of the sending device and SSID of the probed network) is purely related to their technological goal they were built for. But, if properly exploited, the potential of this information and the application scenarios it enables are immense.

In this talk we will give evidence of the huge possibilities that arise from collecting probe requests to discover human-related phenomena. We will do so by showing how one can build up, starting from probes, a large amount of detailed knowledge on big crowds of people like the socio-economic status, the language they speak, the hotels they have resided in in the past, and so on. Most importantly, we will empirically prove that WiFi probes can be exploited to accurately de-anonymize the provenance of the people in a crowd in terms of city of residence. Finally, we will also discuss how our de-anonymization methodology can be applied to other useful socio-economic scenarios like, e.g., advertising of commercial activities based on precise customer profiling.