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, Ropp (powerRZ radix (Zpred (Zpred (Zopp (dExp b

, // Set the residual error Err0 = 0

, // Set the range for the indeterminate XMax

=. Errx and . Ulpieee, XMax

/. , Test the criterion HornerAXPY, issue.0

. &lt;&lt;-&quot;result, << rec_erreur <<, << rec_check << endl

, All the steps of Horner's rule were faithful\n, == 0.0) cout <<

, else if (rec_check < 1.0) cout << "The final step of Horner's rule was faithful\n

, else if (rec_check >= 1.0) cout << "Error too large to guarantee that Horner's rule was faithful\n

. }-//, A simple JAVA test qualifying the accuracy of Horner's rule for polynomials

, // Formulas are part of the graduate work of Sylvie BOLDO, 2001.

M. Daumas, Faithful rounding without fused multiply and // accumulate, IMACS-GAMM International Symposium on Scientific // Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics, 2002.

, Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, Suite, vol.330, pp.2111-1307

, class Horner { public static double

, public static double UlpCstIEEE

, public static void main(String[] args) { int lgfr

, Omitted messages

. //-initialize, Ulp for (UlpCstIEEE = 1.0, lgfr = 52; lgfr > 0

, // Enter the polynomial Coefficients = new double, vol.9