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, Algorithm Gen(HHCCRV) = ( Q 0 F A U ), where: Gen(HH skip R V ) = ( RR skip V )

, Gen

, Q 0 F 1 F 2 A 1 A 2 U ) if Gen(HHC 2 R V ) = ( QQ F 2 A 2 W ) and Gen

, ) = (B ^ P 1 _ : B ^ P 2 F 1 F 2 if B then A 1 else A 2 U ) if Gen(HHC 1 R V ) = ( P 1 F 1 A 1 W ) and Gen, Gen

. Gen(hhwhile-b-do-c-r-v-)-=-(xxf-f-f-x, Q ^ B) _ (R ^ : B)g fXg while B do A U ) if Gen(HHCCXXV f Xg) = ( QQ F AA U), for some X 2 V n V Gen

, HHtrap in C 1 with C 2 R V ) = ( Q 0 F 1 F 2 trap in A 1 with A 2 U ) if Gen(HHC 2 R V ) = ( QQ F 2 A 2 W ) and Gen(H Q==, Gen

, Gen

, HHbegin 1 : C 1 : : : n : C n end R V ) = (X 1 F beginfX 1 g 1 : A 1 : : : fX n g n : A n end U )

, for some X, vol.1