- Babes-Bolyai University [Cluj-Napoca]
- Bahria University
- Bangor University
- Banque Cantonale Vaudoise [Lausanne]
- Banque Centrale Européenne
- Banque de France
- Banque de France - Direction Générale des Etudes et des relations Internationales, Direction des Etudes Microéconomique et Structurelles
- Banque Mondiale
- Barcelona City Council
- Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology
- Barcelona Media [Barcelona]
- Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion
- Bar-Ilan University [Israël]
- Barreau de Bruxelles
- Barreau de Montréal
- Barreau de Paris = Ordre des Avocats de Paris
- Baruch College [CUNY]
- base23
- BASF Innovat Ctr Gent, Ghent, Belgium
- Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
- Basque Centre for Climate Change
- Basse-Normandie
- BASt
- BAST - Federal Highway Research Institute
- Batlab
- Bäuerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall
- Bauhaus Luftfahrt
- Bauman Moscow State Technical University
- Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority [Oberschleißheim, Germany]
- Bavarian Office for Forestry Seed and Plant Breeding
- Bavarian State Forestry
- Bay Cetology
- Bayer CropScience [UK]
- Bayerische Staatsforsten
- Bayero University Kano
- Bayer Pharma AG [Berlin]
- Bayer S.A.S. [France]
- bbw Hochschule
- Beauvais Consultants
- Beauval Nature
- Beijing Computational Science Research Center [Beijing]
- Beijing Genomics Institute [Shenzhen]
- Beijing Institute of Technology
- Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics
- Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy | Institut d'Aéronomie Spatiale de Belgique
- Belgian Nuclear Research Centre [Mol, Belgique]
- Belgian Road Safety Institute
- Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities
- Bellona
- Belyazid Consulting & Communication
- Benaki Phytopathological Institute
- bénévole
- Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
- Bently Rotor Dynamics Research Corporation
- Benue State University, Makurdi.
- Berger-Levrault
- Bergische Universität Wuppertal
- Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Berliner Nanotest und Design GmbH
- Berliner Wasserbertriebe
- Berliner Wasserbetriebe
- Bertin Technologies
- BE Teleos Suisse
- Beyrie Argitxu
- Bezhin Rosko
- Bezirkskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Leibnitz
- Bibliothèque nationale de France
- Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg
- Bibliothèque publique d'information
- Bibliothèque Sainte Geneviève
- Bibliothèque, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano
- Bibliothèque Ville de Paris
- Bilkent University [Ankara]
- billyBun Aircraft
- Binghamton University [SUNY]
- Biobest
- Biodiversité et gestion des territoires EA 7316
- Biodiversity International
- Bioeko [Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie]
- Bioforsk-Norvegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research
- BioForum Vlaanderen
- Bioinformatics
- BIO Intelligence Service (FRANCE)
- Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Bio Loire Océan
- Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland
- Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens
- Biomedical Sciences Research Centre Alexander Fleming [Vari, Greece]
- Biotechnik GmbH
- Biotop
- Biotope [Mèze]
- Biovision Foundation
- BIPE Conseil
- b IRD, Jakarta, Wisma Anugraha Jalan Taman Kemang 32B, Jakarta selatan
- BirdLife International
- Birkbeck College [University of London]
- Birla Institute of Technology and Science
- Birmingham City University
- Birmingham School of Architecture and Design
- Biruni Institute
- Blety
- Bloomberg L.P.
- Bluecham SAS [Nouméa]
- BNP-Paribas
- Board of European Students of Technology
- Bocconi University [Milan, Italy]
- Boǧaziçi üniversitesi = Boğaziçi University [Istanbul]
- Boîte à Idées
- Bond University [Gold Coast]
- Bonelli S.p.A.
- Bordeaux Management School (BEM)
- Bordeaux Metropole
- Bordeaux Métropole
- Border Forensics
- Boréal Innovation recherche
- Bosch
- Bosque Modelo Araucarias del Alto Malleco
- Bosque Modelo Jujuy (BMJ)
- Boston Children's Hospital
- Boston University [Boston]
- Bourgogne Bâtiment Durable
- Bournemouth University [Poole]
- Bouvet - Herøya Industripark AS
- Bouygues SA
- Bouygues Telecom
- Boyce Thompson Institute [Ithaca]
- BRAC University [Dhaka, Bangladesh]
- Brady Group
- Brandenburg University of Technology [Cottbus – Senftenberg]
- Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation = Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
- Breda University of Applied Sciences
- Brest Business School
- Bretagne Vivante
- Brigham and Women's Hospital [Boston]
- Brigham Young University
- Brigitte Croff Conseil & Associés
- British Geological Survey
- B.R.L. Ingénierie Co.
- Brno University of Technology [Brno]
- Brock University [Canada]
- Brown University
- BRSI, Belgian Road Safety Institute
- Bruegel
- Brunel University London [Uxbridge]
- Bruno Marot Conseil & recherche
- Bruno Racine
- Buck Institute for Research on Aging
- Budapest Neutron Centre
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics [Budapest]
- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- Bull
- Bull atos technologies
- Bull SAS
- Bundesamt für Naturschutz
- Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik = Office fédéral de la sécurité des technologies de l’information = Federal Office for Information Security
- Bundesanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft und Bergbauernfragen
- Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
- Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung - Federal Institute for Risk Assessment
- Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
- Bureau de recherche Exp’AU EXPertise en Agricultures Urbaines
- Bureau de recherches Aménités
- Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières
- Bureau d'études
- Bureau d'études et de réalisations pour l'industrie moderne
- Bureau d'études Naturum Etudes
- Bureau d'Etude Sol Conseil
- Bureau d’étude spécialisé en reconstitution des paléoenvironnements à partir de vestiges botaniques
- Bureau d’études Tonello Ingénieurs Conseils
- Bureau d'études vizget
- Bureau Issala
- Bureau of Meteorology, Australia
- Bureau Régional Interprofessionnel du Lait de Chèvre de Charentes-Poitou et des Pays de la Loire
- Bureau voor Onderzoek en Statistiek
- Burgundy School of Business (BSB) - Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Dijon Bourgogne (ESC)
- Buro Blauw
- Business Science Institute