index - Théorie


The research of the Theory Group covers a very wide array of subjects, ranging from the infinitely small to the infinitely large: from the properties of the smallest constituents of matter, to questions pertaining to the large-scale structure of the universe. The ultimate goal is to provide theoretical models to explain the experimental observations, or make theoretical predictions that may be tested experimentally. We can classify our activities in three broad axes: high-energy physics, nuclear and hadronic physics and formal theoretical physics.

High-energy physics studies the fundamental interactions of elementary particles. While the currently accepted theory of fundamental interactions (known as the Standard Model) has been extremely accurate in describing the smallest constituents of matter accessible to us through experiment, several reasons lead to believe that it is not a complete theory of Nature. Our research includes the study of various theories that go beyond the Standard Model.

At a larger scale, nuclear and hadronic physics is the study of the properties of the nuclei and their constituents, the quarks and the gluons. Some of the phenomena we address occur at low energies, while others arise at extreme conditions, e.g. in the interior of very hot and dense stars.

Formal theoretical physics includes the study of various mathematical aspects of physical theories, as well as subjects that are not necessarily directly amenable to experimental tests at the present time. The latter include quantum gravity, a theory which combines Einstein’s theory of General Relativity with Quantum Mechanics.