Collection Managers
Gaël Hily
Maïna Renault
Welcome to the HAL Collection of Sciences Po Rennes!
Education and research are two sides of the same coin. This is the reason why Sciences Po Rennes has undertaken an ambitious research programme since 2020, including research development initiatives such as the creation of several research chairs in partnership with the University of Rennes, the CNRS (Arènes Laboratory UMR 6051), and a wide range of public and private partners.
High-quality education indeed requires dynamic research through innovative research programs and significant publications in the disciplines represented in our curricula.
This collection features publications from Sciences Po Rennes' scientific community (professors, researchers, and doctoral students).
Romain Pasquier, Director of Research at Sciences Po Rennes
Latest Deposits
Florent Villard. Le journal de Zhu Kezhen (1890-1974), météorologue : savoir scientifique, considérations idéologiques et vie quotidienne en Chine communiste. Pouvoir et contrôle de l’intime en contexte autoritaire aux XXe et XXIe siècles (Université Rennes 2, ERIMIT), Nathalie Ludec; Valérie Dubslaff; Anne Puech; Anna Shcherbakova, Apr 2024, Rennes, France. ⟨hal-04352489v2⟩