index - Laboratoire de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées Joseph Liouville

Welcome in HAL collection of LMPA Joseph Liouville


The laboratory of Pure and Applied Mathematics Joseph Liouville ( LMPA ) is the laboratory of mathematics of 'Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale' (L.M.P.A.) (U.L.C.O. ). The LMPA is contractualised by the Ministry of Research (team n° EA 2597) and belongs to the CNRS Maths. Laboratories Federation from North of France (FR 2956) 


Warning: set in april 2016, the repository may  be incomplete, please consult our own list :





Cosine product Extreme values Prime numbers Asymptotic normality Networks Free boundary problem Kronecker product Global Arnoldi Einstein product Wave equation Color image restoration Estimation non paramétrique Indefinite weights Uniform almost sure consistency Global in time existence Double bialgebra Collatz conjecture Combinatorial Hopf algebras Apéry set Functional data Poisson point process Calculus of variations Discrete spectrum Hopf algebras Convection-diffusion equation LSQR Continued fractions Extrapolation Dendriform algebra Hopf algebra Interpolation Asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues Asymptotic analysis Operads Uniqueness Blow up Entiers friables Model reduction Interacting bialgebras Barycentric finite volumes Krylov subspace methods Iterative method T-product Jones polynomial Stability Discretization Network analysis Fluid flow modeling Free boundaries Geometric optics expansions Golub–Kahan bidiagonalization Algorithm Dynamical boundary conditions Model order reduction Exponential sums Mantissa Ill-posed problem Hyperbolic boundary value problems Seawater intrusion Steinhaus triangles Combinatorial Hopf algebra Kernel estimator Krylov subspaces Numerical semigroup Optimization problem Unbounded self-adjoint operators Functional equations CP decomposition GMRES Censored data Local linear estimation Dynamical systems Chromatic polynomial Density Regression function Random walks Brjuno function Incompressible Navier-Stokes system P-Laplacian Cluster growth Krylov subspace Preconditioner Oseen system Lyapunov equation Additive combinatorics Matrix differential equations Numerical analysis Blow-up Diassociative semigroups Relative error Integral representation Kauffman bracket Block Arnoldi Gauss quadrature Lanczos algorithm Pre-Lie algebras Numerical simulations Kernel estimate Nonlinear parabolic problems Global existence