Table of Contents
Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems. Part III Alexandre Dolgui, Alain Bernard, David Lemoine, Gregor von Cieminski, David Romero |
Front Matter |
Autonomous Robots in Delivery Logistics
Sustainable Facility Location-Routing Problem for Blood Package Delivery by Drones with a Charging Station Shirin Ghasemi, Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Mahdi Hamid, Meysam Hosseinzadeh |
3-14 |
A MILP Formulation for an Automated Guided Vehicle Scheduling Problem with Battery Constraints Adriano Masone, Teresa Murino, Claudio Sterle, Monica Strazzullo |
15-23 |
Planning Autonomous Material Transportation in Hospitals Giuseppe Fragapane, Debjit Roy, Fabio Sgarbossa, Jan Ola Strandhagen |
24-32 |
Collaborative Hybrid Delivery System: Drone Routing Problem Assisted by Truck Ho Young Jeong, Seokcheon Lee |
33-42 |
Drone Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with Multi-flight Level Yonggab Kim, Hoyoung Jung, Seokcheon Lee43-51
Digital Transformation Approaches in Production Management
Multi-perspective View on Sustainable Production: A Literature Review Marko Samardzic, Ugljesa Marjanovic |
55-63 |
Determining Minimal Cost of Action for Task Allocation Within Mobile Robot Swarm in Production Environments Elmir Babović, Denis Mušić, Bahrudin Hrnjica, Adil JoldićNorre |
64-70 |
A Hybrid Architecture for the Deployment of a Data Quality Management (DQM) System for Zero-Defect Manufacturing in Industry 4.0 Chiara Caccamo, Ragnhild Eleftheriadis, Maria Chiara Magnanini, Daryl Powell, Odd Myklebust |
71-77 |
The Survival Analysis for a Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing Bahrudin Hrnjica, Selver SofticCastanier |
78-85 |
Detection of Fluid Level in Bores for Batch Size One Assembly Automation Using Convolutional Neural Network Alexej Simeth, Jessica Plaßmann, Peter Plapper |
86-93 |
Barriers Hindering an Efficient Implementation Process of Digital Technologies; a Case Study at Norwegian Manufacturing Companies Eirin Lodgaard, Hans Torvatn, Johanne Sørumsbrenden, Gaute Andreas Knutstad |
94-101 |
Consistent Maintenance Order Processing with Digital Assistance Systems Robert Rost, Axel Friedewald |
102-111 |
Supporting Manufacturing Processes Design Using Stakeholder Opinions and Sentiment Analysis Egon Lüftenegger, Selver Softic |
112-117 |
Digitalization in Manufacturing: Trends, Drivers, Challenges, and Research Areas in Norway Emrah Arica, Daryl Powell |
Exploring Accidental Digital Servitization in an Industrial Context Matthew Anderson, Shaun West, David Harrison |
126-135 |
Finance-Driven Supply Chain
Financing and Cost Sharing for a Supply Chain Under CSR - Sensitive Demand Franck Moraux, D.A. Phan, Thi Le Hoa Vo |
Integrated Business Planning Process: Link Between Supply Chain Planning and Financial Planning Zied Jemai, Mohamed Haythem Selmi, Laurent Gregoire, Yves Dallery |
149-158 |
An EOQ-Based Lot Sizing Model with Working Capital Requirements Financing Cost Yuan Bian, David Lemoine, Thomas Yeung, Nathalie Bostel, Vincent Hovelaque, Jean-Laurent Viviani |
159-166 |
Put Option Contracts in Newsvendor Model with Bankruptcy Risk Pooya Hedayatinia, David Lemoine, Guillaume Massonnet, Jean-Laurent Viviani |
167-174 |
Pricing Decisions for an Omnichannel Retailing Under Service Level Considerations Minh Tam Tran, Yacine Rekik, Khaled Hadj-Hamou |
175-185 |
Gastronomic Service System Design
Forecasting the Number of Customers Visiting Restaurants Using Machine Learning and Statistical Method Takashi Tanizaki, Shunsuke Kozuma, Takeshi Shimmura |
Digital Ordering Improves Labor Productivity in Multiproduct Restaurants Takeshi Shimmura, Syuichi Oura |
Geospatial Intelligence for Health and Productivity Management in Japanese Restaurants and Other Industries Takeshi Kurata |
Engineering Large Event Catering Services Kai-Wen Tien, Vittaldas V. Prabhu |
A Study on Menu Planning Method Considering the Variation in Menu Orders - Application to Daily Foods in a Company Cafeteria Ruriko Watanabe, Nobutada Fujii, Daisuke Kokuryo, Toshiya Kaihara, Kyohei Irie, Kenji Yanagita, Kenichi Harada |
Systems Engineering Analysis for Cooking Recipes from the Perspective of Work Instructions Tomomi Nonaka, Kaoru Kamatani, Nobutada Fujii |
232-237 |
Modern Scheduling and Applications in Industry 4.0
Electric Bus Charging Scheduling Strategy with Stochastic Arrival Time and State of Charge Ming Liu, Yueyu Ding, Feng Chu, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu |
241-249 |
Group Scheduling and Due Date Assignment Without Restriction on a Single Machine Ying Chen, Yongxi Cheng |
Parallel Machine Scheduling withStochastic Workforce Skill Requirements Xin Liu, Ming Liu |
Multitasking Scheduling Problem with Uncertain Credit Risk Feifeng Zheng, Zhaojie Wang, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu |
A Mathematical Model for Bus Scheduling with Conditional Signal Priority Ming Liu, Yecheng Zhao, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu |
Charging Scheduling Optimization of Battery Electric Bus with Controllable Task Completion Feifeng Zheng, Zhixin Wang, Yinfeng Xu, Ming Liu |
Research on the O2O Takeout Orders Merger and Routing Optimization Wenjie Wang, Xue Xia, Lei Xie, Li Jiang, Yangyun Song |
A MILP Model for the Scheduling of a Multiproduct Tree-Structure Pipeline Network in Mining Industry Meryem Bamoumen, Selwa Elfirdoussi, Libo Ren, Nikolay Tchernev |
Exploiting the Full Potential of I4.0 Technologies for Products EOL Recovery Process Valentina Popolo, Mose Gallo, Andrea Grassi, Maria Grazia Marchesano |
An Approximation Algorithm for the k-Connected Location Set Cover Problem with Color-Spanning Constraint Yin Wang, Yinfeng Xu |
317-325 |
Recent Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing
Sustainable Process Plan Generation in RMS: A Comparative Study of Two Multi-objective Evolutionary Approaches Imen Khettabi, Lyes Benyoucef, Mohamed Amine Boutiche |
How Is Value Created in the Circular Economy? Evidence from Remanufacturing and Repair Businesses Melissa Correa Marques, Umit Sezer Bititci, Amos Peter Haniff |
Modeling the Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem with Worker- and Position-Dependent Processing Times Jairo Montoya-Torres, Valérie Botta-Genoulaz, Nick Materzok, Þorgeir Páll Gíslason, Sélène Mendiela |
The Most Critical Decisions in Manufacturing: Implications for a Circular Economy Nina Pereira Kvadsheim, Bella B. Nujen, Deodat Mwesiumo |
Challenges in Setting up a Production Line During Pandemic Kiwook Jung, Scott Nieman, Boonserm Kulvatunyou |
369-374 |
Green Production and Circularity Concepts
Developing a Qualitative Maturity Scale for Circularity in Manufacturing Federica Acerbi, Vafa Järnefelt, Jorge Tiago Martins, Leila Saari, Katri Valkokari, Marco Taisch |
Business Models in Circular Economy: A Systematic Literature Review Beatrice Colombo, Paolo Gaiardelli, Stefano Dotti, Albachiara Boffelli |
Industry 4.0 Driven Quantitative Methods for Circular Supply Chains: A Bibliometric Analysis Biman Darshana Hettiarachchi, Stefan Seuring, Marcus Brandenburg |
Rethinking Circular Business Models: The Role of the Learning Factory Maria Flavia Mogos, Sigurd Sagen Vildåsen, Johanne Sørumsbrenden, Daryl Powell |
Crop Selection and Scheduling for Green Production with Intercropping and Rotation Canan Pehlivan, Thomas G. Yeung, Aline Munguia |
411-420 |
Improvement Models and Methods for Green and Innovative Systems
Generation Y – Modularity Enabling Radical Innovation Bjørnar Henriksen, Carl Christian Røstad |
Disassembly Line Balancing Using Recursive Optimization in Presence of Task-Failure Rakshit Kumar Singh, Amit Raj Singh, Ravindra Kumar Yadav |
Quantity-Flexibility Contract Models for the Supply Chain with Green-Sensitive Demand in the Automotive Manufacturing Industry Zhe Yuan, Yeming Gong, Mingyang Chen |
How Much Green Investments Are Efficient for a Smart Production System? Rekha Guchhait, Mitali Sarkar, Biswajit Sarkar |
450-459 |
Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning Buffer Positioning Considering Carbon Emissions Achergui Abdelhalim , Allaoui Hamid, Hsu Tiente |
460-468 |
Supply Chain and Routing Management
Reinforcement Learning for Layout Planning – Modelling the Layout Problem as MDP Hendrik Unger, Frank Börner |
Supply Chain Management by Blockchain Gianfranco Genta, Agostino Villa, Gianni Piero Perrone |
Optimization of Hierarchical Production Planning with Setup Time Feasibility for Effective Supply Chain Management Guisen Xue, O. Felix Offodile |
Integrated Planning of IoT-Based Smart Bin Allocation and Vehicle Routing in Solid Waste Management Arindam Roy, Apurba Manna, Jungmin Kim, Ilkyeong MoonGuisen Xue, O. Felix Offodile |
499-509 |
Smart contracts implementation in the allocation of Covid-19 vaccines Mohammad Amin Yazdani, Daniel Roy, Sophie Hennequin |
510-520 |
Robotics and Human Aspects
Methods of Forecasting Environmental Stress and Strain on Working Humans in the Digital Factory Gert Zülch |
Paraconsistent Annotated Evidential Logic Eτ Applied to Autonomous Robots in Logistic Center Flávio Amadeu Bernardini, Marcia Silva, Jair Minoro Abe, Luiz Lima |
Human Aspects in Collaborative Order Picking – What if Robots Learned How to Give Humans a Break? Yaxu Niu, Frederik Schulte |
Assembly System 4.0: Human-Robot Collaboration in Assembly Operations Gursel A. Suer, Najat Almasarwah, Jesus Pagan, Yuqiu You |
An Integrated QFD Approach for Industrial Robot Selection Gülçin Büyüközkan, Öykü Ilıcak, Orhan Feyzioğlu |
561-570 |
Classification and Data Management Methods
Dissimilarity to class medoids as features for 3D point cloud classification Sylvain Chabanet, Valentin Chazelle, Philippe Thomas, Hind Bril El-Haouzi |
573-581 |
A Comparative Study of Classification Methods on the States of the USA Based on COVID-19 Indicators İbrahim Miraç Eligüzel, Eren Özceylan |
Maintenance Data Management for Condition-Based Maintenance Implementation Humberto Teixeira, Catarina Teixeira, Isabel Lopes |
A Machine Learning Based Health Indicator Construction in Implementing Predictive Maintenance: A Real World Industrial Application from Manufacturing Harshad Kurrewar, Ebru Turanouglu Bekar, Anders Skoogh, Per Nyqvist |
Development of Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Detecting Dangerous Goods for X-ray Aviation Security in Artificial Intelligence Woong Kim, Chulung Lee |
609-615 |
Smart Supply Chain and Production in Society 5.0 Era
Coalition Analysis on Two Manufactures and Two Retailers Supply Chain via Cooperative Game Theory Taiki Saso, Tatsushi Nishi |
Supply Chain Optimization Through Cooperative Negotiation by Using Backward Scheduling Yoshitaka Tanimizu, Rika Kanbara |
A Proposal of Scheduling Method Based on Decision Criteria Considering Electric Power Costs and Productivity Masayuki Yabuuchi, Toshiya Kaihara, Nobutada Fujii, Daisuke Kokuryo, Mio Nonaka, Kotone Senju |
A New Representation and Adaptive Feature Selection for Evolving Compact Dispatching Rules for Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling with Genetic Programming Salama Shady, Toshiya Kaihara, Nobutada Fujii, Daisuke Kokuryo |
A Study on Sharing Logistics Network Design Considering Demand Uncertainty Asumi Ito, Toshiya Kaihara, Daisuke Kokuryo, Nobutada Fujii |
Reshaping the Supply Chain for Society 5.0 Rosanna Fornasiero, Andrea Zangiacomi |
663-670 |
Supply Chain Risk Management Under Coronavirus
A Tabu Search Heuristic for the Robust Dynamic Bayesian Network Optimisation Problem Under the Supply Chain Ripple Effect Ming Liu, Hao Tang, Feng Chu, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu |
A New Robust Dynamic Bayesian Network Model with Bounded Deviation Budget for Disruption Risk Evaluation Ming Liu, Tao Lin, Feng Chu, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu |
Stochastic Integrated Supplier Selection and Disruption Risk Assessment Under Ripple Effect Ming Liu, Zhongzheng Liu, Feng Chu, Feifeng Zheng, Chengbin Chu |
Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Risk Assessment in the Time of COVID 19/Case Study Jihene Jlassi, Nesrin Halouani, Abderrahman El Mhamedi |
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