Thèse Année : 2018

Digital ecosystem : towards a system of information systems

Écosystème numérique : vers un système de système d’information


Recently, with the rapid technological advancement that we are witnessing in the domain of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), many Information Systems (ISs) are introduced into our lives either at home or at work. That will cause growing challenges for the users, such as the need for managing huge amounts of resources and the difficulty to collaborate with others. In order to find the right information at the right time to make educated decisions, users have to look for resources distributed in many ISs (emails, social networks, wiki pages, electronic notes etc.). The process of searching for resources in different ISs is costly and time-consuming; therefore it needs to be optimized. The emergence of Digital Ecosystems (DE) presents the users with the potential for improving the accessibility and coordination of different systems. On the other hand, comparable to DE, a System of Information Systems (SoIS) is comprised of integrated ISs which are heterogeneous and independently operable on their own but are networked together for a common goal. The goal, as mentioned before, might be organizing and sharing of heterogeneous resources.This thesis focuses on moving from Digital Ecosystems towards a System of Information Systems as a solution to the emergent challenges facing users of different ISs in a collaboration context. The SoIS gives the opportunity to explore how collaboration can be enhanced through a combination of different ISs in the digital environment of organizations. In this context, we defined a semantic model and an architectural model of SoIS. We then developed a prototype, called MEMORAeSoIS, based on these models as collaboration support. This prototype can provide the ability to index, share, annotate, and recommend important resources coming from different ISs.Recently, with the rapid technological advancement that we are witnessing in the domain of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), many Information Systems (ISs) are introduced into our lives either at home or at work. That will cause growing challenges for the users, such as the need for managing huge amounts of resources and the difficulty to collaborate with others. In order to find the right information at the right time to make educated decisions, users have to look for resources distributed in many ISs (emails, social networks, wiki pages, electronic notes etc.). The process of searching for resources in different ISs is costly and time-consuming; therefore it needs to be optimized. The emergence of Digital Ecosystems (DE) presents the users with the potential for improving the accessibility and coordination of different systems. On the other hand, comparable to DE, a System of Information Systems (SoIS) is comprised of integrated ISs which are heterogeneous and independently operable on their own but are networked together for a common goal. The goal, as mentioned before, might be organizing and sharing of heterogeneous resources.This thesis focuses on moving from Digital Ecosystems towards a System of Information Systems as a solution to the emergent challenges facing users of different ISs in a collaboration context. The SoIS gives the opportunity to explore how collaboration can be enhanced through a combination of different ISs in the digital environment of organizations. In this context, we defined a semantic model and an architectural model of SoIS. We then developed a prototype, called MEMORAeSoIS, based on these models as collaboration support. This prototype can provide the ability to index, share, annotate, and recommend important resources coming from different ISs.
Récemment, avec les progrès technologiques rapides que nous observons dans le domaine des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC), de nombreux Systèmes d'Information (SI) sont introduits dans nos vies à la maison ou au travail. Cela entraînera des défis croissants pour les utilisateurs, tels que la nécessité de gérer d'énormes quantités de ressources et la difficulté de collaborer avec les autres. Afin de trouver la bonne information au bon moment pour prendre des décisions éclairées, les utilisateurs doivent rechercher des ressources réparties dans de nombreux SI (courriels, réseaux sociaux, pages wiki, notes électroniques, etc.). Le processus de recherche de ressources dans différents SI est coûteux et prend du temps; il doit donc être optimisé. L'émergence des Écosystèmes Numériques (DE) offre aux utilisateurs le potentiel d'améliorer l'accessibilité et la coordination des différents systèmes.D'autre part comparable à un DE, un système de systèmes d'information (SoIS) est composé de SI intégrés qui sont hétérogènes et fonctionnent indépendamment de manière autonome, mais qui sont mis en réseau pour un objectif commun.L'objectif mentionné précédemment, pourrait être l'organisation et le partage de ressources hétérogènes. Cette thèse se concentre sur le passage des Écosystèmes Numériques à un système de systèmes d'information en tant que solution aux défis émergents auxquels sont confrontés les utilisateurs de différents SI dans un contexte de collaboration. Le SoIS donne l'occasion d'explorer comment la collaboration peut être améliorée grâce à une combinaison de différents SI dans l'environnement numérique des organisations. Dans ce contexte, nous avons défini un modèle sémantique et un modèle architectural de SoIS. Nous avons ensuite développé un prototype, appelé MEMORAeSoIS, basé sur ces modèles comme support de collaboration. Ce prototype peut offrir la possibilité d'indexer, de partager, d'annoter et de recommander des ressources importantes provenant de différents SI.
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tel-02615456 , version 1 (22-05-2020)


  • HAL Id : tel-02615456 , version 1


Majd Saleh. Digital ecosystem : towards a system of information systems. Social and Information Networks [cs.SI]. Université de Technologie de Compiègne, 2018. English. ⟨NNT : 2018COMP2413⟩. ⟨tel-02615456⟩
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