index - Groupe de Recherche en Management


The Management Research Group (GRM) is the Management Sciences laboratory (Section 06 of the CNU) of the Université Côte d'Azur. The GRM's teacher-researchers, doctoral students and associate researchers are interested in organisations (large groups, SMEs - small and medium-sized enterprises, public institutions, etc.) and their stakeholders (managers, employees, investors, consumers, etc.). Their research is developed in close collaboration with the organisations studied, in order to provide them with a framework and decision-making tools to help them understand and act on the challenges facing society. The laboratory's activities and projects are organised around three thematic research areas.

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Statistics by Discipline


Leadership Strategy Multinational companies Brand strategy SME Strategic diagnosis Consommation responsable Communication de crise Innovation Analyse du marché Marketing plan Développement international Internationalisation France Management international Intégration culturelle GRH algorithmique Confiance Competence Smart agent Marketing Parties prenantes Ethique Internationalization Transformation digitale Afrique PME International marketing Ressources humaines Brand Tourisme Développement durable Chine Effectivité Marketing digital Management des compétences Apprentissage Diagnostic stratégique Compétitivité Alliances stratégiques Pandémie Covid-19 Réseaux sociaux Motivations Distance psychologique Allemagne Climate change Intelligence artificielle Chaine de valeur Emotions Réseaux Artificial intelligence SMEs Marketing international Performance Pôle de compétitivité E-commerce Stratégie marketing Multinationales Sustainable development Crise sanitaire Social networks Résilience Export Uppsala model Enseignement supérieur Marketing strategy Employability management Coaching Plan marketing Analyse bibliométrique Entrepreneuriat Stratégie Acquisition Diagnostic marketing Climat Leader development Marketing mix Analyse SWOT Innovation managériale Behavioral theory Automotive industry PME innovantes Reputation CAC 40 Marketing-mix Acquisitions Digitalisation Fusions-acquisitions Approche effectuale Risques Approche multi-niveaux Entrepreneurship Emerging markets Alliance stratégique Health at work Digital transformation Commerce équitable Choc exogène China