Preface to the proceeding, Andreas Degkwitz (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin) and Laurent Romary (Inria and DARIAH)


Libraries in the Age of Digital Infrastructures (and Other Catastrophes), Toma Tasovac (Director of the Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities)

Text, data and link-mining in digital libraries : looking for the heritage gold, Emmanuelle Bermès (Deputy director for services and networks in charge of technical and scientific matters -Bibliothèque nationale de France)

Regular Papers

Apollinaire-Marie Curie platform presentation,Labex OBVIL, Delphine Vernozy (Observatoire de la vie littéraire), Paule Desmouliere (Observatoire de la vie littéraire) and Krystelle Denis (Observatoire de la vie littéraire, metaLAB at Harvard)

Investigation of the Current Situation of Digital Projects of China's Music Intangible Cultural Heritage,  Jing Zhang, Jiaping Lin and Peng Xiao (Sun Yat-sen University - China)

Building 9066 Archive into Wikipedia: A Case Study of Digital Scholarship, History and Activism at Fresno State,  Raymond Pun (California State University, Fresno)

Web Archiving at the New York Art Resources Consortium (NYARC): Collaboration to preserve specialist born-digital art resources,  Sumitra Duncan, Frick Art Reference Library (The Frick Collection - USA)

BIBFRAME and Linked Data practices for the stewardship of research knowledge, Michele Casalini (Casalini Libri - Italy)

ARQUIGRAFIA: digital images in the collaborative environment on the Web, Artur Rozestraten (School of Architecture and Urbanism of University of Sao Paulo), Vania Mara Alves Lima (School of Communications and Arts of University of Sao Paulo) and Cibele de Araújo C Marques dos Santos (School of Communications and Arts of University of Sao Paulo)

Digital Humanities Clinics - Leading Dutch Librarians into DH, Lotte Wilms (KB - National Library of the Netherlands), Michiel Cock (Free University Amsterdam) and Ben Companjen (Leiden University Libraries)

The archive of the community's voices. Libraries and oral tradition in the digital era, Edgardo Civallero, Independent LIS professional

Learning Opportunities for Librarians: Embarking on a Digital Humanities Project, Ruth Wallach (University of Southern California - Los Angeles)

The Karjala database – challenges and solutions for digitizing heterogeneous, old genealogical documents for the internet use, Jarmo Saarti (University of Eastern Finland), Satu Soivanen ((Karelian Database project - South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences) and Jari Ropponen (Karelian Database-project - South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences)

Direct access, user participation, new services – Some of ETH Library's steps beyond digitisation, Michael Gasser (Library of the ETH Zürich – Switzerland)

“Deutsche Biographie” as Historical Biographical Information System,  Matthias Reinert (Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Science) and Dirk Scholz (Bavarian State Library)























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